Washington DC, May 4th, 2020
The International FXC Federation has just released the International and Spanish versions of its 2-hour TV program “The Rise of Heroes Forged in Fire and Sweat”. The European media outlet Eleven Sports will soon release a version dubbed in Italian.
This 2-hour program is a tribute to those athletes, Mexican, Americans, Italian, Dominican, Columbian, Spanish and Ecuadorian who have embraced FXC - Fireball Extreme Challenge.
It portrays the big challenge of 2019 International FXC Championship between the US and Mexican FXC teams, the ‘classic’, rivalry between the Mexican teams of the Capitanes of Xalapa and Boca del Rio, currently 1st and 2nd in the overall FXC Federal Chart, and the struggle many of the FXC players face train and to meet the high athletic standards demanded by this discipline.
The 2019 International FXC Championship, took place in Boca del Rio, Veracruz, last Nov. 23rd and 24th and saw the participation of 154 athletes from 5 Mexican states and 3 countries (Mexico, USA and Columbia). The teams who wanted to win the trophies had to compete in up to 5 high-octane 1-hour match in one day.
The program, produced by MaXaM Productions for the International FXC Federation, in its two versions can be watched on the Sports Universe’s channel at the links below.
The event and the program have been co-produced by the International FXC Federation, the Italian AICS - Associazione Italiana Cultura e Sport (www.aics.it), the Mexican INDET - Instituto Nacional Deportes del los Trabajadores (http://indet.org.mx), the Austria-based CSIT - Confédération Sportive Internationale Travailliste et Amateur (www.csit.tv) in participation with Sport4Climate an initiative Connect4Climate/ World Bank Group (www.connect4climate.org).
