The second day of the National FXC Tournament in Veracruz, the International FXC Federation in association with the FXC - Fireball Extreme Challenge™ Federación Mexico awarded 9 personalities for their role in promoting sports in society as a tool to address social isolation, improve educational attainment and combat anti-social behaviors.
The recipients of the Awards were:
- Prof. Pablo Reyes Osorio - Secretario Ejecutivo del INDET
- Al Prof. Juan Manuel Macedo Negrete - Secretario General de la D-III-6
en Morelia Michoacán
- Profr Griselda Montoya Garcia - Secretaria Estatal del INDET Michoacán
- Al Prof.. David Fernando Perez Medellin - Director Estatal del IVD en Veracruz
- Prof. Francisco Osornio Medina - Delegado Estatal del INDET Queretaro
- The LED René León Lara - Director Fomento Deportivo Boca del Rio
- The Prof. Reyna Maritza Lopez Herrejo Directora del Instituto Sor Juana Ines
de la Cruz, Plantes Tarimbaro, Michoacán
- The L.E.F José Heladio Sánchez Medina - Director del INCUFIDE Morelia, Michoacán
