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Foto del escritor: International FXC FederationInternational FXC Federation

The executives of the International FXC Federation, Max and Fabiola Lopez Bartoli, signed a deal with Ernesto Garibay and Fernanda Alfaro to form the FXC Federation Mexico and market the sport in the republic starting from the state of Veracruz, and in particular from the schools and gyms of the Riviera Veracruzana, under the control of the municipality of Alvarado. 

Ernesto Garibay, a former 1st Division soccer player anda triathlon athlete, has a very good idea of the strategy to be adopted in the Riviera.

“FXC - Fireball Extreme Challenge™ attracted immediately our attention - Fernando Alfaro pointed out - It’s explosive, dynamic, extreme, very fun to play and look at as spectators. But it’s especially new for the Riviera and has a huge potential. People here like novelties and are into sports. This is why we believe bringing FXC to the Riviera Veracruzana is the right choice.”

Ernesto Garibay and Fernanda Alfaro did not waste time and just a few days after their agreement with the FXC executives introduced FXC in Mexico with a demonstration match that was held at the Sportway sporting club, on January 20th. 14 athletes from different disciplines (cross-fit, soccer, triathlon, basket and handball) divided in two teams played FXC.

“The reactions we got were all very positive. Some of the players have already showedan interest in forming their own team" added Fernanda Alfaro "to the point that 

Laurencio Lopez, the Manager of the Sportway Club of Veracruz, offered to organize a second, larger demonstration on February 2nd, 2018".

Ernesto Garibay and Fernanda Alfaro also announced the 1st FXCTournament on Nov. 30th, Dec. 1st and 2nd, 2018. Although the dates will have to be confirmed, the organizers feel confident they will be able to meet the goal of minimum of 8 teams of 12 athletes requested by the International FXC Federation for the tournament to take place, especially considering the incentive of the 50K-peso-jackpot established for the winning team.


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